POSTED 06 December 2022
Resolution Life Group Holdings (Resolution Life) has become a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
Signing the internationally recognised PRI demonstrates a commitment to responsible investing while building a more sustainable financial system. As part of our signatory status Resolution Life will continue to develop our Responsible Investment Policy which describes the principles and requirements for responsible investment across all subsidiaries of the Resolution Life Group.
The PRI’s network of international investors work together to implement a set of voluntary principles that provide a framework for integrating ESG factors into investment analysis and ownership practices aligned with investors’ fiduciary duties.
As a long-term legacy life insurance business with a commitment to our policyholders and substantial assets under management, we remain focused on the responsible stewardship of our investments. I’m thrilled to confirm our signatory status to PRI; it’s something that we have been working towards for the past year
Jonathan Moss Group Chief Risk Officer, Resolution Life
With the adoption of our Responsibly Investment Policy, we are integrating environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) analysis into our asset management processes and requirements. This ensures we are in line with the PRI principles and doing our part to use our invested capital to improve society.
Karl Happe Group Chief Investment Officer, Resolution Life
About Resolution Life
Resolution Life is a global life insurance group focusing on the acquisition and management of portfolios of life insurance policies. Since 2003 to date, Resolution has deployed c.US$18bn of equity in the acquisition, reinsurance, consolidation and management of life insurance companies. Together, these companies have served the needs of c.13m policyholders while managing over US$378bn of assets. Resolution Life today has operations in Bermuda, the U.K., the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, all focused on assisting the restructuring of the primary life insurance industry globally. Resolution Life provides a safe and reliable partner for insurers as they restructure by:
- Focusing on existing customers, rather than prioritising expansion by new sales
- Delivering policyholder benefits in a secure, well capitalised environment
- Returning capital to our institutional investors in the form of a steady dividend yield