
This Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) outlines our expectations of suppliers to support Resolution Life’s sustainability priorities, embody positive environmental, social and governance practices in their operations and supply chain and operate according to the highest standards of business conduct, integrity, and adherence to the law.

Resolution Life expects that suppliers and their own sub-contractors will comply, and uphold high standards, with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, codes of ethics or other professional standards.

The overall objective is to build trusted partnerships with our suppliers to drive efficiency through delivering commercial value and reducing risk through the supply chain. In selecting suppliers, we do our best to ensure that we are contracting with reputable businesses and are complying with our standards and law.

Modern Slavery

It is our expectation that suppliers ensure that they, and organisations in their supply chain, are not engaged in, benefitting from or complicit with, human rights abuses such as coercion, involuntary and underage labour or modern slavery practice as defined in the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018. This includes undertaking risk assessments to identify the risk of human rights breaches, particularly in vulnerable industries.

Information Security

Suppliers play a crucial role in upholding the trust our customers place in Resolution Life, especially when they entrust us with their information, and especially during their most vulnerable moments. We encourage our suppliers to align with Resolution Life’s core values of trustworthiness and customer-centricity in handling our information by having the appropriate security safeguards in place. Additionally, suppliers must comply with all applicable information security and cybersecurity laws and be prepared to promptly and efficiently address any security incidents that could potentially affect the information of Resolution Life or our customers. Suppliers must have processes and procedures in place to protect this information against unauthorised access and disclosure.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

We expect our suppliers to keep our information strictly confidential, comply with confidentiality provisions in any contracts entered into with us and any legal requirements to protect commercial and sensitive information. Suppliers must not use any information including our name and brand unless they have explicit written authorisation to do so.


Resolution Life has a strong social purpose, contributing to the communities in which we work and, more broadly, breathing new life into insurance by enabling established life companies to expand into new markets. The first of our guiding principles, which describe the behaviours we aspire to, is ‘do the right thing’. As an insurance company, our impact on the environment stems both directly from our operations, and indirectly, through our assets under management. The biggest impact we can make is through our investments, and we recognise our obligation to ensure that we invest in a responsible way with regard to environmental issues, and in accordance with international standards and good practice. From an operations perspective, the biggest impact we can make is through engaging with suppliers that actively seek to reduce their emissions.

Supplier Diversity and Inclusion

Resolution Life is committed to equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace, marketplace and communities where we operate and provide services. We believe diversity of thought, background, experience, and people driven innovation, support our growth objectives. A diverse and inclusive supplier base enhances our brand, expands the breadth of our supplier talent and reinforces our commitment to the communities where we live and work. Examples of diverse suppliers include: minority, LGBT, disabled, disabled veteran, veteran, women, small businesses, and small disadvantaged businesses. We seek and value suppliers who share our commitment.

Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest can arise when an employee’s personal, family, financial, political or other interests interfere or conflict with their loyalty to their employer, or their ability to make the right decisions on behalf of their employer. We expect our suppliers to disclose any potential conflicts of interest prior to engaging with Resolution Life or as soon as a supplier becomes aware of the conflict.

Fraud, Bribery and Corruption

Resolution Life has zero-tolerance for bribery, corruption and criminal behaviour in all forms and the expectation is the same for our suppliers. Suppliers should never offer or accept anything of value where there is an intention of improperly influencing a business decision. We expect all suppliers to comply with applicable laws, regulations and industry standards.

Observed or Suspected Misconduct

As a supplier, if you or any of your employees identify or suspect misconduct then you must report this to us either through your contact at Resolution Life or via our whistleblowing hotlines.(1) Any grievances or disputes in relation to the Code may be reported in the same manner. These reports can be made anonymously and can be made directly by employees or by suppliers on behalf of employees by any stakeholder.

Acceptance and confirmation of this Code

It is the responsibility of a supplier to know the requirements of the Code and operate in accordance with it. Suppliers are expected to integrate, communicate, and comply with the terms above in addition to their other contractual responsibilities with Resolution Life. This code applies to all suppliers who provide services to any entity within Resolution Life.

Modifications to the Code

Resolution Life reserves the right to amend this Code at any time and without giving notice. Suppliers must comply with the Code, as amended, from the time they become aware of it.

(1) Australia & New Zealand: 1800 316 519 (Australia), 0800 123 508 (New Zealand) or +61 3 9895 0012 or whistleblowing-officer@resolutionlife.com.au
Bermuda: 011 800 7233 2255
United Kingdom: 0800 915 1571 or www.safecall.co.uk/report